+593 99 3211049


  • Вид экскурсии: Каякинг
  • Сложность: Легкая / Средняя
  • Продолжительность: 2 часа
  • Стоимость: $55 с чел

The Kayaking tour lasts about 2 hours. At the start of your tour, an instructor will explain the rules and issue you a kayaking boat. During your tour, you will have a unique chance to get close to the nature and encounter different species, such as Stingrays, Penguins, Sea Lions, Blue-footed Boobies, and Pelicans. Some tourists believe that Tintoras is the best for kayaking in Isabela.

This tour has no landing, so all tourists are to kayak themselves from the beach to Tintoreras. This little trip allows you to explore marine life, such as Iguanas, Sea Lions, and Galapagos birds. Upon your arrival to Tintoreras, you will have an opportunity to walk around the lava formations and snorkel.

С собой: защитный крем от солнца, вода, купальник.

Тур включает
: оборудование для снорклинга, костюмы.